Community Events and Activities

Activities / Events in the Local Area 

Please find information about some activities taking place in the local area and a range of other events.

Halton Libraries

Daresbury Labs - Talking Science Online 'Storms in Space!' 

Date: 28 April 2022, at 6-7pm

Title: 'Storms in space! Our planet, our star and space weather'

Speaker: Professor Robert Walsh

Abstract: The Sun, our closest star, provides all the heat and light required for life on our world. Glancing up at the Sun, it may appear to us to be just a boring, bright globe in our skies. However, your star is massive atom smashing machine; a seething mass of electrified gases that at times is anything but quiet and uninteresting.

In this talk we will learn how important the Sun is for us here on Earth, how it’s energy escapes out into space and explore the clash of solar and terrestrial magnetic personalities! Using the very latest space based telescopes, Professor Walsh will guide us out from the solar core, help us surf the solar wind and then run for cover from immense solar storms that head our way!

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Rutland House Floor 1,
Halton Lea, Runcorn WA7 2ES