Personal Education Plan (PEP)

All Halton PEPs are now completed on the Welfare Call system as an electronic PEP.  All DTs should have a login to Welfare Call to access the ePEP for the children they are responsible for.  We are only able to name one main DT per provision but the main DT can then delegate access to other staff in school to complete the document where appropriate.

If you need support with the PEP document or have had a change of DT please let us know by contacting the relevant PEP leads or emailing the team 



PEPs need to be completed on a termly basis for children aged 3 - 18.

Halton Virtual School have access to the Boxall Profile Online which can be used to identify any mental and behavioural needs for children aged 4-18 with suggestions for strategies and techniques to support target setting.  The Boxall Profile can also be used as a measure of progress following any interventions put in place to support mental and behavioural needs.  If DTs would like access to Boxall Profile Online for our CIC please contact the virtual school team.  For more information, please visit the Boxall Profile Online page.

For support with Pupil Premium Plus including how to apply and interventions that have identified, please visit the Pupil Premium Plus page.

PEP Process Flow Chart

The following flow chart outlines the roles and responsibilities within our PEP process:

SOCIAL WORKER initiates PEP process by arranging a date/time/venue for the PEP meeting and ensure all relevant parties are invited.  Invites to be sent to relevant PEP Coordinator/Lead in the Virtual School team.


DESIGNATED TEACHER completes the education information on the ePEP document on Welfare Call prior to the meeting - support from PEP Coordinators is available where needed. 

PEP meeting takes place - all parties contribute to discussions around information on the PEP document, target setting and any additional placement or education needs or changes.

DESIGNATED TEACHER will review and add any additional comments from relevant parties that were made at the meeting and attache any relevant documnent before submitting the ePEP.


The PEP document needs to be received and quality assured within 10 working days of the meeting taking place.

PEP COORDINATORS will quality assure the ePEP and VIRTUAL SCHOOL HEAD will review PP+ requests. This will be done using the quality assurance criteria and each document RAG rated.

If PP+ requests need clarification or information is missing from the document, PEP COORDIATORS will contact DESIGNATED TEACHERS for further information

If the PEP does not meet the quality assurance criteria, funding may not be given.

Once an ePEP has been quality assured and signed off by the PEP COORDINATORS it will be available to view or download from Welfare Call.

DESIGNATED TEACHER can check on Welfare Call if PP+ requests have been agreed and ensure interventions are actioned as soon as possible if not already in place rather than waiting for funding to be sent to schools first.

PEP COORDINATORS will upload a copy of the PEP document onto the child's Eclipse case notes under the date the meeting took place on.

PP+ requests are forwarded to the Finance team to process for journal schools and Admin team for cheque book and out of borough schools.


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Contact us

Halton Virtual School

Halton Borough Council,
Rutland House Floor 1,
Halton Lea, Runcorn WA7 2ES