Monster Mayhem

Monster Mayhem:
If your best friend was a monster – what would it look like? How would they behave? What would be their likes and dislikes?
We've let imagination run free with designing and making dangly monster puppets. We then got to know them a bit better with their monster profiles.
The day was rounded off with teams pitting their team work, knowledge and luck against each other in a game of monster hide and seek!
Curriculum Links:
- Art & Design – use a range of materials creatively to design and make a puppet.
- English – reading & writing – use a range of vocabulary to create a fun and interesting monster character profile then read aloud own work.
- English – recall and use knowledge around adjectives, spellings and rhyming words.
- Maths – recall and use maths knowledge and techniques including times tables, operations and number patterns.
- PSHE – interpersonal skills – communication and team working.